On Wednesdays our phone lines will not be available until 10 am. If you have an emergency please call 0800 0850 160. For routine enquires and repairs or to pay your rent please log in to your mybdht account here Our call wait times are longer than usual, please call between 3pm and 5pm when we are quieter


We ensure that fully effective governance is operating at all levels of the organisation. It is robust, adds value and offers genuine opportunity for residents to influence and scrutinise bdht’s strategy and service delivery.

The bdht Board has ultimate responsibility for governance and the organisation. The Board comprises nine non-executive directors. Our non-executive directors are appointed based on diversity of skills and experience, necessary to provide effective leadership and control of the organisation.

At least two board members will have had experience of being a tenant, leaseholder or shared owner of social/affordable housing. The resident’s voice is at the heart of our governance structure. The Residents Scrutiny Panel report half-yearly to the Board and the Chair of the Panel is a permanent invitee to all Board meetings, allowing them to escalate any issue directly to the Board.

bdht is committed to the highest standards of governance and has adopted and complies with the National Housing Federation Code of Governance and Code of Conduct for members.

Click here to view our Team page.